Tired of the same old Beer? Beer from a CAN?
Bored with Tecate & Milwaukee's Best? Stop by the Playa Beer
Pavilion located in Center Camp for a frosty mug, or order
now and pick up On-Playa. From Pale Ale's to Stout, brewed
with 'Real Playa' for an authentic Burning Man taste.
Green Man
Temple Pale Ale -
The Man's IPA
Whiteout Wheat
Burner Red
BRC Stout
Center Camp Oat
Playa Beer gets it's unique taste & color from Playa,
the hardpan Alkali surface unique to the Black Rock Desert,
outside Gerlach Nevada. Playa Beer's combination of modern
and traditional equipment, highly trained brewery staff, and
fresh, high-quality ingredients allows for the production of
exceptional brews.